Write for Us

Are you a digital nomad with a story to tell, a tip to share, or a destination to rave about?

We invite you to write for Freaking Nomads, the community-driven publication dedicated to all things digital nomads. Our readership spans the globe and is read by 70,000+ digital nomads a month from all corners of the globe (primarily US, UK, Australia, Canada, and Europe). We are a highly targeted publication and we strive to provide the best possible resources to our audience of digital nomad and remote workers.

We're always looking for fresh perspectives on the digital nomad lifestyle, so could this perspective come from you?

Please read through this page before submitting the form or contacting us.

Why Write for Us?

Freaking Nomads is a platform made by digital nomads, for digital nomads. We believe in creating an inclusive and diverse space that truly supports the digital nomad lifestyle.

By contributing to our site, you'll be sharing your insights with a community that's eager to learn, grow, and thrive in the world of digital nomadism.

Article Submission Guidelines:

  • Original Content: Your submission must be original and not duplicated from another website or publication. We have tools to check plagiarised or low-quality AI-produced articles, so please submit only high-quality content you've written by yourself.
  • Informative and Useful: Your post should contain practical, relevant, and informative tips or guides about the digital nomad lifestyle, remote work, or suitable travel destinations for digital nomads.
  • Post Length: We recommend a post length of 800-2000 words.
  • Relevant Imagery (if available): Please provide high-resolution images or photos to support your content if you can. If you don't have them available, don't worry! We will try to find them for you.
Please be aware that, if accepted, the content might be slightly tweaked to meet our editorial and SEO criteria so your content can enjoy better visibility in search engines!

What We're Looking For:

  • Digital Nomad Tips: Share your strategies for thriving as a digital nomad, from staying productive to maintaining a work-life balance.
  • Remote Working: Offer your insights on remote work, whether it's about finding the right job, managing your time, or setting up your workspace.
  • Digital Nomad Destinations: Tell us about the best cities or countries for digital nomads to live and work, from cities with digital nomad visas to hidden gems off the beaten path.
  • Digital Nomad Visas: Share your experiences with digital nomad visas, including the application process, requirements, and benefits.
Before submitting, please check our site to ensure your topic hasn't already been covered. If you have a unique topic or experience you're passionate about sharing, we're all ears. Let us know!

Join us in empowering and celebrating the digital nomad community. We can't wait to hear your story.

Contact Us 📧

If you are interested instead in partnerships, sponsorships, general queries, advice, or pitches, please contact our Founders (Luca Mussari and Irene Wang) — at info(at)freakingnomads.com

Or reach out to us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freakingnomads/


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